Air conditioners play a very important role in keeping people cool in incredibly hot temperatures. Without them, summers in places like Texas or New Mexico would be incredibly uncomfortable. Many today are also incredibly efficient and affordable, which makes them a no-brainer to use when you are feeling a little warm.
While they seem simple, there are likely plenty of things you don’t know about air conditioners, and this article is going to go over five of them.
There Are Many Different Sizes and Types
Some people may think that all air conditioners are created equally, but this isn’t the case. There are many different sizes of air conditioning systems that range in terms of how much cool air they put out, and how efficient they are. A larger home may need a more powerful system than one that is smaller.
There are also different types. There is the type that requires ductwork to transport cool air throughout your home, but ductless systems are also becoming more common today. So when you are hiring a company for air conditioner installation, be sure you get the right size and type put in.
Air Conditioning is Nothing New
The idea of air conditioning is nothing new and has been around for thousands of years. Romans used to use cold water in their Aqueduct and piping system, and Egyptians would hang wet mats over their doors to keep their homes cool. Even modern systems have been around for over 100 years.
Sure, advancements and changes have been made, but civilizations have been finding ways to stay cool in hot temperatures for a very long time.
Routine Maintenance is Very Important
When many people have an A/C system in their home, they expect it to simply work perfectly all of the time. While it often does, it is also important to maintain your air conditioner.
This involves changing out the filter every month, as well as calling in a Denver air conditioning repair professional at least once a year to check out the air conditioner and make sure it is running how it should, and there are no issues or problems developing behind the scenes.
If you don’t maintain it, don’t be shocked to see it stop working after a while, and it is much more affordable to pay for some maintenance than to pay thousands of dollars for repairs or a replacement unit.
Modern A/C Was Popular in Movie Theaters Before Homes
Today, most homes are outfitted with an air conditioning solution, but this wasn’t the case even a couple of decades ago. Among the first places to have air conditioning were movie theaters. As a result, many people would flock to see movies on hot summer days to enjoy the air conditioning that they simply couldn’t afford (or wasn’t available) in their homes.
In fact, the idea of a “summer blockbuster” was actually started partly due to air conditioning. Because of the increased traffic to the cool theaters in warm summer months, studios began releasing their films in the summer, as there were larger crowds willing to go see them.
A/C in Vehicles Has Come a Long Way
While air conditioning is great in the home, it has also found its way into vehicles over the years. Air conditioning in cars today is as simple as a small dial and everything working in the background, but this wasn’t always the case. Air conditioners in cars used to take up half of the trunk space, often featuring no temperature thermostat, and several feet of plumbing.
Sure, it kept your car cooler, but also had several drawbacks at the time, that have all since been dealt with as technology has advanced. At the time, these in-car air conditioners were also expensive and simply couldn’t be bought by most people.
We hope this blog post has been able to help you learn a little more about air conditioners so you can better understand how yours works and how to keep it in great shape.