The healthcare industry Has seen major revolution and up gradation after the onset of the global pandemic in the year of 2020. There seems to have been a metamorphosis in the healthcare system in the UAE as well. Here is a discussion on what the healthcare industry is going to look like after Covid.
The health care industry’s growth has taken place past the global pandemic. UAE became one of the first Countries in the entire world to farson up the testing process.
The country did it for free for most of the citizens irrespective of their economical backgrounds. The rich, the middle class, the upper middle class and the poor citizens of the country could afford testing and free healthcare systems in UAE’s healthcare sector.
The healthcare system saw a boost after the COVID-19 pandemic. Doctors and physicians along with healthcare workers were more prepared for natural disasters and calamities including pandemics after the one big hit.
Along with this Testing rates also increased among people. This is because their awareness regarding disease and illness has increased and they have become more proactive in getting themselves tested. The primary healthcare services have also been improved due to the global pandemic.
The UAE Healthcare Industry Saw a Boost in Manpower After the Pandemic
The government started providing more power and power in the healthcare industry after the pandemic. They brought in people from all around the world and hired fresh graduates for the job. The increase in manpower was a direct impact of the pandemic.
Due to this people got treated faster and better. From UAE’s healthcare perspectives the nation’s healthcare system has benefited greatly after the pandemic.
The promptness and the awareness of the general public in UAE also proved instrumental in fighting the global pandemic. People with mild or severe symptoms both got tested equally. There was no stone left unturned from the side of patients to get themselves diagnosed as fast as possible.
Healthcare System in UAE But improved Greatly After this Pandemic
Along with providing more manpower UAE also focused on bringing new equipment and technological services in its healthcare.
They were one of the first nations to start free testing and continued free services in the line of healthcare throughout the global pandemic. The best part about this is people from all economical backgrounds could avail multispecialty healthcare services.
The country has introduced and incorporated several technological equipment for the betterment of the healthcare services.
Another major trend which came through during the pandemic was that specialized doctors focused on giving healthcare services to their patients.
There are some doctors who specialize in particular subjects like cardiology, nephrology, oncology, gastroenteritis or other specializations.
However during the COVID-19 pandemic these specializations in the healthcare industry were done away with. All the doctors rushed in from different parts of the country and helped the nation fight against this deadly disease.
It was seen that specialization did not help much. There were almost no patients that were being received for other problems like cardiology or nephrology. COVID-19 was the first priority during the years of the global pandemic.
Monitoring and diagnosing equipment also saw a major revamp in these years.
The Doctor to Patient Interaction Increased
Patients from all over the world including common people were very wanted during the pandemic.They were left confused as a pandemic had happened in their lives for the first time. The patients and the guidance of the doctors during these tough times was remarkable.
UAE can boast of having kind and patient doctors who guided their people through this major pandemic with ease and comfort.
As the number of patients increased the pressure on the healthcare system increased as well. There were several weak links in the chains which broke through.
Covid-19 also had one major advantage. It brought out the major faults and weak links in the healthcare system in broad daylight.
The country was able to learn about its defaults and shortcomings beforehand. Although several weak links were broken, UAE did not take a step back or lose hope. It fought back valiantly against this deadly virus which had emerged for the first time in history. There were several shortcomings in the healthcare system and some sections of the nations were not managed well according to health experts from the UAE.
Nevertheless the country fought back very well and improved the shortcomings and mishaps within no time. The ability of any country to improve on its shortcomings or disadvantages is a sign of power. UAE has proved to be phenomenal in improving its services within a matter of time.
Normal hospitals are multi speciality hospitals in UAE as well. Providing these costly and expensive services to its citizens when the cost is mounting, is very difficult. Nevertheless the country did not shy away from providing almost nominally expensive
Healthcare Services to its People
Medical tourism was another major revenue of the country. Medical tourism refers to the practice of entertaining people from other countries To come and avail the healthcare services in one zone country.
Tourists, especially medical tourists, arrived in this country from all over the globe due to the quality services provided here. Many people from other nations came to the UAE for availing healthcare services in cardiology, nephrology, physical testing, overall health, oncology and other departments.
However during the COVID-19 pandemic medical tourism hit an all time low. Due to the pandemic and travel restrictions people could not travel to this country for Getting dead healthcare services.
Other cosmetic surgeries such as face lifts, liposuction, Thomas and liposuction, plastic surgeries, bariatric surgeries were also shut down. This department did not see any growth during the years of the pandemic. Dental departments were also partially shut down as there were a lot of restrictions during these years.
Physical contact was almost banned thus these departments did not see any revenue. Although the healthcare industry was greatly affected during this pandemic it also saw major shifts and improvements after these years.
Final Words:
UAE became one of the most courageous nations to fight this unknown virus in the first years of the pandemic. It also became one of the First Nations in the whole world to start teleconsultation and telemedicine immediately after the onset of the pandemic, usually for free.
The medical industry and the healthcare sector in the UAE saw major shifts and revamps due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The system of this country is better equipped to fight any illness or pandemic in the coming years.