Alcohol and drug abuse and addictions are truthfully very bad conditions that cause great harm to the lives and families. Fortunately, there are plentiful treatment facilities available that are devoted to those who want to get onto the road of recovery and help them to stay on it. Also, there is a wide variety of […]
Reimagining the Health Care Industry in the UAE After Covid
The healthcare industry Has seen major revolution and up gradation after the onset of the global pandemic in the year of 2020. There seems to have been a metamorphosis in the healthcare system in the UAE as well. Here is a discussion on what the healthcare industry is going to look like after Covid. The […]
Learn More About the Vascular Disease
Vascular problems can increase the patient’s risk for complications. Many patients suffer from worsening or even upper respiratory issues for example, when a vascular problem covers your lung. If you suffer problems like blood pressure, and vascular problems then you should consult the doctor about your health complications. A Vascular Institute, MyVascular is dedicated to […]
Tired Of Medications? Here Are 7 Healthy Alternatives For Heartburn Relief
Heartburn afflicts some 15 million people daily and if you’re one of them, you know that when you start to feel that burn in your chest, you need to seek relief right away. While some cases of acid reflux can be severe, like GERD, most symptoms can be managed by making changes to your diet, […]
Bad Breath: Causes and Ways to Deal With It
Bad breath not only negatively affects our self-esteem, but it can also cause social problems and alienate us. Do you have bad breath? If you use medical terminology, then this phenomenon is called halitosis. But bad breath does not only occur due to poor hygiene. Many adults suffer from this problem of bad breath. The […]