Pest control is important because if you simply ignore it then you are likely to have a variety of pests living in your home and your yard/. Some of them bring diseases, others can do a serious amount of damage to your home and yard.
Of course, once you discover there is an issue you need to contact your local pest control company and have them eliminate the problem for you.
It is worth noting that high-quality pest control teams will be aware of natural options that can work, you can discuss the options with them.
Start With Planting
There are some plants that most pests don’t like. The most popular options are lavender, mint, rosemary, and basil. Planting these near entry points and around your entertaining area will reduce the number of pests in your yard and home.
They simply don’t like the aroma and will stay away. If you want the same effect but don’t want to plant and look after herbs then you can use essential oils to replicate the effect.
Simply place a few drops of the relevant essential oil in some water and add them to a spray bottle. You can then spray around the entry points. You’ll need to repeat it periodically.
Add Spices
An alternative to essential oils is spices. Most pests don’t like cinnamon, paprika, turmeric, and even salt and pepper.
Sprinkle these along your windowsill or doorway and the pests will avoid them.
Keep It Clean
Most pests are attracted to your home because it has food and moisture. It can be hard to eliminate every crumb but doing so will make your home less attractive.
The best approach is to wipe surfaces down as soon as you’ve used them, wash dishes straight away, and vacuum the floor daily.
When wiping down surfaces it is a good idea to use a homemade cleaner. Simply mix ½ vinegar with 2 cups of water and spray everywhere as part of your cleaning process. It’s effective.
Use Your Waste
Even the best household has some food waste. Any item you throw away can be used. For example, the peel from citrus fruits can be infused in water to create a spray that repels pests. The peel can also be put around plants, it is a natural insecticide and will fertilize your plants.
Ground coffee has the same effect, especially after it’s been brewed Simply put it along with entry points.
Seal Up Gaps
Alongside using natural products to clean and repel pests, it’s a good idea to check your house for entry points. There is little point in putting coffee grounds on the window sill when the pests can get in a gap lower in the same wall.
You need to fill all gaps and cracks to help ensure the pests can’t get inside your home.
It’s also a good idea to use nets on the windows to prevent pests from invading when they are open.
Don’t forget, your pets are likely to be interested in what you are doing, make sure the products you use aren’t harmful to them and they won’t try to eat them.