NMO-IgG, also known as AQP4 antibody (aquaporin-4 antibody), is a highly sensitive and specific serological diagnostic of Neuromyelitis Optica. Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO) is a severe inflammatory illness of the central nervous system (CNS) with an autoimmune origin that mostly affects the optic nerves and spinal cord. The presence of a serum autoantibody specific for the […]
3 Ways Cooltone Body Contouring Can Improve Your Figure
Cooltoning is a non-invasive body sculpting treatment approach that scorches fat, tones, and defines body muscle. The process involves the use of advanced magnetic energy as a tool to stimulate muscles more powerfully and efficiently than would be achieved naturally, resulting in rapidly toned muscles. The magnetic muscle stimulation penetrates through a layer of fat […]
Pros and Cos of formula feeding: Is it suitable for your baby?
In the absence of medical contraindications, it is recommended that newborns be fed mother’s milk, which contains all the necessary nutrients and antibodies. They participate in the formation of the baby’s immune system. However, in some cases there is a need to switch to artificial feeding. It can be a woman’s serious condition after pregnancy […]
5 Tips For Improving Your Vision
Today, the need for eye care has never been greater. There are many ways to test your eyesight, but this article gives you five of the most important ones. What to Know Before Getting Your Eyes Checked Vision problems can be annoying and affect your quality of life. But if you know what to look […]
5 Benefits of Cold Therapy for Recovering Athletes
It is a trending thing – using cold treatments if you get injured in sports. So, why is this therapy taking hold? The reason is simple – cold treatments that either involve ice packs or the use of machines, numbs the soreness of an injury, serving as a natural local anesthetic.Therefore, the application of cold […]